Full-time MBA的意思|示意

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Full-time MBA的网络常见释义

全日制工商管理硕士 Cox商学院提供一系列教育课程,包括工商管理学士(BBA)、全日制工商管理硕士(Full-time MBA)、在职工商管理硕士(PMBA)、高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)、科学管理硕士(MSA)和高级管理人员培训课程。

全日制MBA 全日制MBA(Full-time MBA):考生在10月份进行报名,参加每年1月份的全国MBA联考,被录取后,脱产学习2年,上课时间一般是周一至周五正常上课时间,毕业后可...

全日制 ...因和特色决定了北大国际(BiMBA)也是国内最早采用GMAT这个国际标准化考试作为入学申请条件的院校之一。无论全日制(full-time mba)还是在职(part-time mba)班的申请人,他们都需要提供600分以上的GMAT成绩。

工商管理硕士 ... MEnt Master of Enterprise 企业管理 Full-time MBA 工商管理硕士(全日制) Global Part-time MBA 国际工商管理硕士(非全日制) ...

Full-time MBA相关短语

1、 One-Year Full-Time MBA 一年企业管理硕士

2、 Operations Management-full time MBA 运营管理

3、 Full Time MBA 全日制工商管理

Full-time MBA相关例句

DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck School of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes, up from second position last year.


INSEAD climbed two spots since the previous ranking in 2008, pushing Canada's Queen's School of Business (Queen's Full-Time MBA Profile) out of the top slot.


DARTMOUTH COLLEGE's Tuck school of Business takes first place in The Economist's ninth annual ranking of full-time MBA programmes. The New Hampshire school has moved up from second position last year.


If "executive" MBA programmes are not much different from their full-time counterparts, how do business schools justify charging twice the price?


This unique lock-step program allows you to complete an MBA at a full-time pace while c...


In contrast, an MBA program is expected to have participants from a very diverse educational background, who should have a few years of full-time work experience.
