Get Up And Stretch的意思|示意

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Get Up And Stretch的网络常见释义

吧起来伸伸懒腰 Get up and stretch.

Get Up And Stretch相关例句

Get up and stretch periodically if your job requires that you sit for extended periods.


Rather than try to force yourself into enduring hours upon hours of dedication, work in short sprints of about 20-30 minutes, then get up and have a stretch or take a short walk.

不是强迫自己熬几个小时的时间而已,而是要在短时间内集中精力,高度专注约20 - 30分钟的时间,然后起身走动放松下散散步。

You can now get up, stretch your limbs and walk around the room to see how you feel.


When you decide tostop working on the monthly report,stand up and stretch, andgo get a cup of coffee,you make a decisionabout reallocatingyour resources.


Every 90 minutes or so, you should at least get up from your desk and stretch.


Take breaks and get up, walk around and stretch your legs.
