Grimace in pain的意思|示意
Grimace in pain的网络常见释义
龇牙咧嘴 ...上, 诈金花 概率真正的影帝不会因为理亏满脸愧疚,而是继续献技:或假充晕厥,双目合拢,不省人事;或龇牙咧嘴(Grimace in pain),嚎啕大叫;更有甚者会以悲切的眼神哀怨地看着裁判。人心都是肉长的,和女人不要谈论别的女人,多半这是吵架的一个前奏。
Grimace in pain相关例句
It is too bad meals, and you looked at me, I look at you all grimace in pain.
I tried hard to Fall in love with one back, grimace in pain, I tasted the taste of love.
Alternatively, perhaps seeing another monkey grimace in pain is unpleasant or threatening, and rhesus monkeys will do whatever they can to avoid unpleasant conditions.
Another study, appearing in the May 2008 issue of the Journal of pain, revealed that people who grimace during uncomfortable procedures feel more pain than those who don't.