HTTP protocol的意思|示意
HTTP protocol的网络常见释义
超文本传输协议 超文本传输协议(HTTP Protocol) (评论:1条) 超文本传输协议(HTTP)是一种为分布式,合作式,多媒体信息系统服务,面向 应用层的协议。
超文本传送协议 超文本传送协议 http protocol; hypertext transfer protocol (http) 下一代超级文本传输协议 hypertext transfer protocol next generation .
HTTP protocol相关短语
1、 HTTP protocol analysis HTTP协议分析
2、 HTTP protocol communication HTTP协议通信
3、 Knowledge of HTTP protocol 了解HTTP传送协议 ; 对HTTP协议有了解
HTTP protocol相关例句
The HTTP package supports a subset of the HTTP protocol.
A Web server serves pages viewed in a Web browser by processing the requests over the HTTP protocol.
A client connects to the server, usually on TCP port 80, and makes a simple request using the HTTP protocol.
The HTTP protocol also provides functionality for sending files with HTTP requests.
For a super cluster, the proxy can only support routing HTTP protocol.
J2ME applications can communicate with back-end servers and each other using XML data formats over the HTTP protocol.