Higher IQ的意思|示意

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Higher IQ的网络常见释义

提高智商 ...heart surgery risk 80%)预防许多种类的癌症 强化免疫系统 ( Stronger immune system )增加平均寿命高达15年提高智商(Higher IQ)可遏止80%全球暖化(global warming)省下高达70%的水拯救70%亚马逊雨林,不会因畜牧而遭砍..

进步智商 防备很多种类的癌症: 强化免疫体系、增长均匀寿命高达15年、进步智商(Higher IQ)、可遏止八玉成球暖化(global warming)、省下高达七成的水、救济七成亚马逊雨林,不会因畜牧而遭砍伐、天下饥馑的办理之道,每...

Higher IQ相关短语

1、 My IQ is higher 我的IQ很高

Higher IQ相关例句

I heard mixed-race kids have a higher IQ, but is that true? Is there any research evidence of this?

我听说过混血儿大部分比一般小孩智商高,但是真的吗? 有研究的证据?

The study found the same relationship between IQ scores and mortality, as well as a significant association between higher neuroticism and increased mortality risk.


Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has a higher IQ.


A survey of more than 2,000 people living in the UK has found that those with a higher IQ are more likely to live a longer life.


In fact, I doubt whether any one in the class has a higher IQ.


And while Cassandra's genetic marker for nonverbal IQ is three points higher than average, Laszlo and I are just normal.
