
美 / ˈhɪndu:ɪzəm / 英 / ˈhɪnduˌɪzəm /

n. 印度教



Hinduism is a major world religion, originating in India. It is the world's third largest religion, with over 1 billion adherents, after Christianity and Islam.

Hinduism is generally believed to have been founded around 1500 BCE and is the oldest of the major world religions. Its teachings are based on theVedas and Upanishads, which are ancient texts believed to have been revealed by Brahma himself. The goal of Hinduism is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering, known as samsara, and to attain the highest reality (Moksha). Hindus worship a number of Gods and Goddesses and have numerous festivals and ceremonies to honour them.

The word “Hinduism” is derived from an old Sanskrit term, which refers both to the religion’s adherents and to their land of origin, India. It is often used as a collective term for all the elements of Indian religion, including Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Some Hindus also incorporate elements of other belief systems into their practice, such as belief in ancestor spirits, astrology or meditation.

Hinduism is a complex faith, comprising a variety of beliefs and practices. Many of the principles and concepts of Hinduism can be found in other religions, such as the idea of karma, or the idea of a universal soul or spirit. Hindus are divided into four main castes, or varnas, each with their own duties, rights and obligations within society. Traditional Hinduism is often seen as a way of life rather than a religion, as it is strongly intertwined with social, cultural and political aspects of Indian life.



1、 Tantric Hinduism 印度教密宗

2、 hinduism sculpture 印度教雕刻

3、 Hinduism Existentialism 印度教存在主义

4、 the innovation of Hinduism 印度教嬗变

5、 people who follow Hinduism 信奉印度教的人群

6、 conflict between hinduism and islam 印回冲突