Hold On Tight的意思|示意

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Hold On Tight的网络常见释义

拥抱我 ... 15 My Heart On Fire=我的心在燃烧 16 Hold On Tight=拥抱我 xiexie 什么时候可以开始 ...

紧紧相依 ... 紧紧把握 Hector 紧紧相依 Hold on Tight 紧紧追赶 up ...

书架 这是设计师Colleen & Eric带来的滑块书架(Hold On Tight),它采用了开放式设计,并在搁板上通过滑槽和带紧固螺栓的硕大滑块来实现书的固定与放松—iPhone的用户可能会对这种操作方式感到...

紧紧相拥 ... BREAKIN' 破碎 Hold on tight 紧紧相拥 Wrap your arms around me til your knuckles are burning white 用你的双臂缠绕住我的脖子直到你的关节疼痛起来(俄。。) ...

Hold On Tight相关短语

1、 Wanna hold on tight 想要紧紧握住你的手

2、 My sister hold on tight 我的姐妹 ; 当尽平生力

3、 J-Hold on Tight 紧紧抱住

Hold On Tight相关例句

Hold on tight to these keys — you will use them extensively for encryption and digital signatures.


There are, of course, a few people we each hold dear, people who do not begin to smell after three days; but these people are the glorious exceptions, so hold on to them tight.

当然,总还是有那么几个我们所珍视的人,过了三天也不“发臭”的那几个。 这几个绝对是珍贵的例外,所以,一定要紧紧抱住别放手。

I think that Milan will hold on tight to the boss, at least I hope so.


"This'll do it, Harry, hold on tight!" yelled Hagrid, and Harry saw him slam his whole hand onto the purple button beside the speedometer.


Tantor: So sit back and hold on tight... we've got a boat to catch.


Close your ranks and hold on tight, Light is Shining at the horizon of our FUTURE, STARTING NOW.
