Hollow grouting anchor的意思|示意
Hollow grouting anchor的网络常见释义
中空注浆锚杆 文章详细信息 关键词: 边坡;;中空注浆锚杆;;喷锚;;加固设计 [gap=490]Keywords: slope,hollow grouting anchor,ejector anchor,consolidation design
Hollow grouting anchor相关短语
1、 Hollow Grouting anchor rod 中空注浆锚杆
2、 hollow grouting anchor bar 中空注浆锚杆
3、 self-advancing hollow grouting anchor 自进式中空注浆锚杆
Hollow grouting anchor相关例句
To strengthen loose surrounding rock, we can support and strengthen it by hollow grouting anchor so as to modify and stabilize its structure.