Hope To Point的意思|示意
Hope To Point的网络常见释义
望能到点 Hello! You go to personal ornaments that can find the farm, the processing out of the valid time are: 1 month. None of the above hope you can help, hope to point "adopted," Thank you.
Hope To Point相关例句
I hope that this exhibition is a new starting point for Buhui, and he will continue to dedicate new works to the audience!
At this point we could still hope that Nick's work wasn't to blame.
The measurement of a point on the energy program, we hope to be useful ah!
When we are stripped down to a certain point, nothing leads anywhere anymore, hope and despair are equally groundless, and the whole of life can be summed up in an image.
I sincerely hope we can go point to a small roundabout, like me.
You've got to take things from that point of view but I guess Cooper doesn't want his daughter to think of it in a negative way and spins it into something more positive and full of hope.