Hospital Information System HIS的意思|示意
Hospital Information System HIS的网络常见释义
医院信息系统 医院信息系统 ( Hospital information System HIS) 是利用计算机和通讯设 备 , 为医院所属各部门提供患者诊疗信息和行政管理信息的收集 、存储 、处
信息系统 医院管理信息系统 ( Hospital Information System HIS )是指应用电子计算机和网络通信设备,为医院及其各部门提供病人医疗信息、物资管理信息、核算分析信息、行政管理信息、决策分析...
病毒 【关键词】 计算机;防范;病毒 医院管理信息系统(hospital information system his),是现代医院运营的必要技术和基础设施建设,是应用计算机技术与网络技术为医院各部门提供病人医疗信息、病人费用信息和决策分析...
Hospital Information System HIS相关短语
1、 HIS Hospital Information System 医院信息系统
2、 hospital information management system his 医院信息管理系统
Hospital Information System HIS相关例句
In a hospital information system (HIS) scenario, all the activities in the system have to be sent across to another HIS system for some additional processing.
According to the current situation of HIS (Hospital Information System) application, the CPR (Computerized Patient Records) thinking is proposed.
Based on experience on upgrading hospital information system (his) in Tai an Traditional hospital, this paper discusses the methods, procedure and the corresponding problems of his establishment.
以我院信息系统(H IS)升级的经验,探索HIS建设的方法、步骤以及此过程中存在问题。
With the great increasing of data and the change of processing condition which have been processed for several years, the performance of the Hospital Information System(HIS) needs optimizing.
Methods By gathering information of the doctor's advices of HIS the system, the nursing working load of all wards in the hospital was counted dynamic.
Methods the data from the hospital information system (HIS) were integrated into the infectious disease symptom monitoring system through the data mining technology, collated and analyzed.
方法利用数据挖掘技术将医院信息系统(H IS)中的数据集成到医院感染性疾病症状监测体系内,并对数据进行分析整理。