国际疾病分类第10版 方法用描述性和分析流行病学,以国际疾病分类第10版(ICD-10)的方法对淮安市抽样人口因损伤和中毒的死亡情况进行监测研究。
国际疾病分类 疾病的诊断标准按照国际疾病分类(international classification of disease 10,ICD-10)进行分类.
疾病的诊断标准按照国际疾病分类 疾病的诊断标准按照国际疾病分类(international classification of disease 10,ICD-10)进行分类.
是国际疾病分类第十次修订 ...医师协会期刊-医学外文文献 关键词: ICD-10; 疾病分类; 病案首页编目; 摘要: ICD-10是国际疾病分类第十次修订(international classification of diseases-10,ICD-10)的简称,用..
The present categories of DSM III-R and ICD-10, however, do not allow an adequate diagnostic classification of this syndrome.
帝斯曼第三- R的和ICD - 10,但目前的类别绝不允许有足够的诊断这种综合征的分类。
Results: This ICD-10 Searching System was developed.
结果本文开发了ICD - 10查询检索系统。
Objective To help coders to improve their own quality so as to better implement ICD-10.
目的为了使编码员提高自身素质,更好地推行和使用ICD- 10。
Through using computer to search ICD - 10 code, it is important for case - manager to improve work's efficiency and for clinic physician to master the knowledge of ICD - 10 code.
To support data collection, the DH, the Hospital Authority and other concerned departments will start to use, from 2001 onwards, the ICD-10 coding system for recording deaths and diseases.
The author gives the ability that ICD 10 listing staff should possess: First, the high responsibility;
本文提出ICD- 10编码人员应具备的素质:1具有高度的责任心和敬业奉献精神;