I Wasted Time的意思|示意
I Wasted Time的网络常见释义
我浪费时间 I swear I'll kill him. All that time in the car I worried about what to say to Cameron, well more like what not to say, but it's all the same. I wasted time, once again, thinking about him.
I Wasted Time相关例句
I figured it might help boost my book sales and it wasn't time wasted because the text I produced could always be reused as a book itself.
Instead of wasting time on video games, I wasted it online or in front of the TV.
My muscles are leaner, longer, more defined now, and I felt again a sense of victory over the years of abuse I’d subjected myself to, and also over the huge amount of time I’d wasted on addiction.
我的肌肉精瘦,而且很长,更加条纹清晰。 经过这么多年我施加于它的摧残,因毒瘾荒废了那么长的时间之后,我再一次享受到胜利的感觉。
He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn't have wasted time on her, I suppose.
Arnina Nikitina was shocked. "I felt sorry for the time I wasted trying to succeed without knowing the basics," she recalls.
I had already wasted enough of everyone's time.