易普索莫里 易普索莫里(IPSOS-MORI)去年9月的民调显示仲裁者之王点点头,在北爱尔兰,众人最为好奇的还是偷袭之人的来意如果说对方单纯就是为了偷袭而偷袭的话这种说...
1、 Ipsos Mori 莫利调查机构 ; 易普索莫里 ; 莫里调查机构 ; 益普索一莫里
2、 Ipsos MORI Issues Index 年MORI问题指数
New polling by Ipsos MORI offers some grounds for hope, as the charts below show (and see here for full details).
The issues most on voters' minds as they head to the polls are the economy, health and education, immigration, and law and order, according to Ipsos MORI, a polling firm that tracks these things.
Immigration has raced up voters' worry lists over the past two years and now vies with crime for the top position, according to Ipsos-MORI, a pollster.
根据民意测验专家Ipsos - MORI的说法,在两年前,移民问题就已经上了投票者的黑名单,而现在,在投票者的心中,移民与犯罪都算是排在前列的问题。
According to Ipsos MORI, a pollster, three-quarters of people plan to spend at least as much on their garden this year as last.
An Ipsos MORI poll in August showed a public no longer squarely behind the status quo: 37% said the licence fee was not the right way to fund the BBC, and 47% denied it was good value.
A recent poll conducted by Ipsos Mori tells a similar story.
最近,Ipsos Mori所做的民意调查也说明了同样的问题。