It may be a week的意思|示意

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It may be a week的网络常见释义

或许一个星期 ... Yeah.当然 It may be a week或许一个星期 or a month.又或许一个月 ...

It may be a week相关例句

Be that as it may, Levinovitz USES Naturopathic Medicine Week to introduce his article, and it's a mistake.


If you eat fast food once a week or more, you may be addicted 7 to it.


At this time we expect the Joint Venture agreement to be completed in a week or two and it may not disclose the number of people to be trained in the agreement.

目前我们希望该计划能在一周或两周之内完成, 但该协议可能不写明具体培训多少人员。

This may not be an accurate representation of your current file count, it is generated once a week each Sunday night.


The alternative course, and the one he put forward this week, is to slog it out. That may be realistic but it also suggests a siege that could outlast Troy's.


Lakewood's size may be unusual-it occupies a refurbished basketball stadium, and Pastor Joel Osteen's televised sermons are watched by 7m people each week-but its focus on the family is not.

雷克·伍德教堂的体量可能很不寻常——这里原本是个篮球馆,翻修之后,物尽其用成了教堂,每周有7百万人收看Joel Osteen牧师的电视布道,但布道的焦点转到家庭时就没这么多人关注了。