杰斯 美国时代周刊2013年100位最具影响力人物名单及简介 杰斯(Jay-Z):42岁,说唱乐手兼企业家 他诠释了土生土长纽约人的典型风格:生于大众人家,长于寻常..
杰伊 无论巴西名模吉赛尔(Gisele)及美国说唱天王杰伊-Z(Jay-Z)是否仍力挺欧元,欧元似乎大势已去。
卡特 肖恩卡特(Jay-Z)和勒布朗关系很好,当初骑士和奇才打季后赛时支持史蒂文森的歌手Souljaboy和支持勒布朗的Jay-Z对喷,史蒂文森本人也和勒布朗对喷...
资料图 ...Beyonce和老公Jay-Z(资料图) 据国外媒体报道,歌手碧昂斯(Beyoncy)与丈夫Jay Z于上周六出现在朋友的晚餐聚会,有现场目击者表示两人不仅全程几乎零交流,碧...
1、 Jay-Z & Kanye West 维斯特
2、 Jay z 最爱影星 ; 表演者
3、 Jay-Z经典全集 Jay-Z - S. Carter-The Best Of - Library
Many exhibitors continually breed the animals just so they'll have a constant supply of young animals in order to sell photo ops to people like Beyonce and Jay Z.
许多展览者一直不断地让动物繁殖,就是为了让动物幼崽能够源源不断地得到补充,以此能向碧昂斯和Jay Z这样的名人来售卖拍照的机会。
"America," says Price, "boasts the world's coolest leader, Obama; the coolest rappers, Jay-Z and Snoop Dogg; and the coolest man in technology, Steve Jobs of Apple, the man who even made geeks cool."
Jay-Z speaks to a very different constituency.
Jay - Z则针对非常不同的选民。
The 2006 NBA finals MVP was back in that arena Tuesday night, as a guest for a concert featuring Jay-Z and Kanye West.
在星期二晚上,2006年总决赛的MVP作为一个Jay - Z和Kanye West演唱会的嘉宾,回到了那个球场。
Beyonce and Jay-Z once again top this year’s list of Top-Earning Celeb Couples with combined earnings of $122 million, according to Forbes.
Topping the list -- actually, clobbering the list -- are Jay-Z and Beyonce. Together, they banked $122 million smackeroos.