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胱氨酸 胱氨酸 (L-cystine)是一种含硫氨基酸,它的化学名称是3,3-二硫代丙氨酸,也称双巯丙氨酸, 胱氨酸 一种为白色六角形板状结晶或结晶粉末,无味,易溶...

胱胺酸 胱胺酸 ( L-Cystine ):ICN Biomedical Inc, USA 胆碱(Choline bitartare):ICN Biomedical Inc, USA

半胱氨酸一水物 酸一水物中文名:L-半胱氨酸一水物英文名:L-Cystine分子式:C6H12N2O4S3CAS:56-89-3性状:白色针状或六方晶系晶体。几 ... 类目: 营养强化剂 相关产品: L-半胱氨酸一水物 氨基酸

半胱氨酸一水 水物 中文名:L-半胱氨酸一水英文名:L-Cystine分子式:C6H12N2O4S3CAS:56-89-3性状:白色针状或六方晶系晶体。几乎无臭。熔点260℃( ... 类目:营养强化剂 相关产品:L-半胱氨酸


1、 L-Cystine L- 胱氨酸

2、 l-cystine mono hydrochloride 半胱氨酸盐酸盐水合物

3、 L-Cystine hydrochloride 胱氨酸盐酸盐 ; 产品


The technology of extracting L-cystine from chicken feather was discussed.

对以鸡羽毛为原料提取L -胱氨酸的工艺进行了探讨。

The mesomeric reaction of L-cystine is greatly affected by the neutralizing temperature and rate as well as the basicity of neutral agent.


Mix the L-cystine, sodium chloride, dextrose, yeast extract, and pancreatic digest of casein with the purified water, and heat until solution is effected.

将L -胱氨酸、氯化钠、葡萄糖、酵母提取物、酪蛋白胰酶消化物与纯净水混合,并加热至实现溶解。

It has been found that extraction is an alternative means for the recovery of L-cystine by removing HC1 and precipitating the said amino acid from hair hydrolytic liquor.

利用胺类萃取盐酸的性能,应用于从毛发水解液中选择性地萃取盐酸,以沉淀及提纯L -胱氨酸。

From equilibria of HC1 extraction with several solvents, an amine mixture has been considered very effective and selected for detailed study by using feeds with and without L-cystine in solution.
