赖氨酸 赖氨酸(L-Lysine)是一种人类生长所须的最主要氨基酸之一,人类身体无法自己产生这一类氨基酸,需由外界食物汲取,它可增加对钙的吸收率,减少对钙...
离氨基酸 另外,玉米在营养成份上缺乏离氨基酸(L-lysine),在殖入此基因后更适宜作饲料与人类食物。
离氨酸 本产含L-离氨酸(L-Lysine)是孩童正常生长与骨骼发育所需,及成年人吸收钙质及维持氟的均衡。
赖氨酸盐酸盐 酸盐酸盐中文名称:L-赖氨酸盐酸盐英文名称:L-LysineCAS编号:657-27-2分子式:C6H15ClN2O2分子量:182.65性质描述:无色结晶。熔点约为263℃(发泡分解)。易溶于水(1:3),难溶于醇和醚。几乎
1、 Poly-L-Lysine 多聚赖氨酸 ; 赖氨酸 ; 聚赖氨酸 ; 聚赖氨酸其它
2、 L-lysine acetate 赖氨酸醋酸盐 ; 醋酸赖氨酸 ; 氨酸醋酸
3、 L-Lysine hydrochloride 赖氨酸盐酸盐 ; 盐酸赖氨酸 ; 酸盐酸盐 ; 赖氨酸单盐酸盐
We determined L-lysine with chicken tissue based electrode, which employed chicken kidney slice as the source of L-lysine oxidase and an oxygen gas sensitive electrode as the base electrode.
本文首次使用鸡肾组织切片作为L -赖氨酸氧化酶的来源并与氧电极偶合制作成测定l -赖氨酸的组织电极。
Some people recommend taking L-lysine tablets as instrumental in how to heal a cold sore.
有些人建议采取L -赖氨酸片作为乐器,在如何医治感冒喉咙痛。
In this study, decoloured solution of L-lysine was used for crystallization and drying.
Aim To compare the effects of liposome and glyco-poly-L-lysine (G-PLL) on target uptake and gene expression of liver by intravenous injection.
I usually suffer from cold sores more so during the summer months. I take a Lysine-L supplement and now use Lysine lip protector also.
我通常在夏天的那几个月得唇疱疹,我补充Lysine - L,现在也用Lysine的唇膏来预防。
Comvita Lip Cream with L-lysine and Propolis will support the lips immune defences in order to promote healthy and intact skin when the body's immune system is likely to need some natural support.