Landlord insurance的意思|示意
Landlord insurance的网络常见释义
房东保险 房东保险覆盖范围 房东保险(Landlord Insurance)是一个比较宽泛的称谓。但是不同的保单有不同的细节,房东在购买保险时一定要仔细阅读具体条款。
出租物业主保险 Landlord Insurance 房东保险 ; 出租物业主保险 ; 主保险 mesne landlord 中间业主 .
主保险 ...室内财富的险种之外,甚至会有一些听起来颇为有趣的保险产物:好比在澳年夜利亚,有一种保险名为房主保险(Landlord Insurance)。如不美观你采办这种保险,便不必担忧租客拖欠房租,半途毁约或者损毁财物。
Landlord insurance相关短语
1、 Landlord building insurance 房东建筑保险
2、 landlord protective liability insurance 业主保护责任保险
Landlord insurance相关例句
Mr. Mail Man, Mr. Insurance Man, Mr. White and Chocolate Milk Man, Mr. Landlord Man, Mr. Policewe: we called white people by their trade, like characters in a mystery play.
Mr. Mail Man, Mr. Insurance Man, Mr. White and Chocolate Milk Man, Mr. Landlord Man, Mr. Police Man: we called white people by their trade, like characters in a mystery play.
I was told by the landlord that it would be a good idea to get some insurance for the furniture and other personal possessions.