Leeds University的意思|示意
Leeds University的网络常见释义
利兹大学 ...利兹大学(leeds university)是英国名校,高质量的教学使得其毕业生在全世界范围内受到雇主们的认可。
英国利兹大学 来自英国利兹大学(Leeds University)的研究也表明,心怀憎恨会导致很多疾病,小到普通感冒,大到心脏病等。
里兹大学 里兹大学(Leeds University):1962年,拉铁摩尔先生在里兹大学建立了汉学系,从而开始了该学校的蒙古学研究工作。
利兹 ... 伦敦 大学玛利皇后 学院Queen MaryWestfield College 利兹 大学Leeds University 威尔士 大学斯旺西分校University of Wales,Swansea ...
Leeds University相关短语
1、 University of Leeds 利兹大学 ; 英国利兹大学 ; 利滋大学
2、 Leeds Metropolitan University 利兹都会大学 ; 利兹城市大学 ; 利兹都市大学 ; 利兹大都会大学
3、 Leeds University Library 利兹大学图书馆
Leeds University相关例句
Gordon Mitchell is a senior lecturer at the School of Geography, University of Leeds.
It may be premature to talk of forgiveness, says Duncan McCargo of Leeds University.
According to a research published by Leeds University yesterday, people don't mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children.
And the University of Leeds built an astounding haptic feedback system for simulating the feel of tumors under the hands of doctors in training.
Leeds University researcher said that the local watering hole's welcoming atmosphere helps men to get rid of the stresses of modern life and is vital for their psychological well-being.
The old buildings of University of Leeds- School of Design.