Lunch plate的意思|示意
Lunch plate的网络常见释义
午餐盘 午餐盘(Lunch plate)/48 包括鲱鱼(herrings),熏三文鱼,猪肝培根香菇,丹麦肉丸,丹麦面包和水果
Lunch plate相关短语
1、 Plate lunch 夏威夷快餐 ; 拼盘客饭 ; 铁板午餐 ; 盘子内盛有各色菜肴的客饭
2、 Hawaiian plate lunch 夏威夷快餐
Lunch plate相关例句
Lunch and dinner were always the same—a tin plate piled with a suspicious pilaff, mostly rice with occasional bits of lamb and shreds of vegetable matter of indeterminate origin.
Our dining reviews are simply the best in the business, whether you crave cutting - edge asian - fusion cuisine or a hearty, affordable plate lunch.
After lunch, you will go to the heavy plate workshop.
And, you know, I'd grown up not really loving my name, because when you're looking for your little name on the lunch boxes and the license plate tags, you're never going to find Oprah.
As for the future of food, meat wouldn't need to be grown inside slow-growing animals: your lunch may be grown on the very plate you eat it from. Just check the cell-by date.
You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.
你中午吃了一大盘食 物,而我只吃了个三明治。