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多核处理 原创:基于Canopy的高效K-means算法 - 管理论文发表 - 中国论文网 关键词:K-means 多核处理 Map-reduce Canopy [gap=444]Key words: K-means Map-reduce Multi-core Canopy

映射化简 ... LVM 逻辑卷管理 map-reduce 映射化简 namespace 命名空间 ...

增量执行 ... 和shard 增量执行map-reduce 初始化执行Map-Reduce ...


1、 incremental map-reduce 增量式映射化简

2、 Map Reduce 映射化简

3、 map&reduce 键值对格式


Beyond that, all the algorithms I mentioned earlier are Map-Reduce-ready and should just work when running under the Job submission process outlined in the Hadoop tutorial.

除此之外,我之前提到的所有算法都是支持Map - Reduce的,并且能够在Hadoop教程所述的job提交流程中运行。

We won't go into detail on this topic in this article, but will instead focus on the map, reduce, and formatting output parts.


Real world implementations of MapReduce would normally assign controllers, map , and reduce tasks to a single system.


Outside of applications that view the world through map and reduce primitives, Hadoop is useful as a means of distributing work among a cluster of machines.


For example, on distributed platforms, map-reduce coupled with in-memory databases; on System Z, co-deploy for access to enterprise data.

例如,在分布式平台中,使用映射-规约模式加上内存数据库;在System Z中,进行联合部署以实现对企业数据的访问。

This final article in the Hadoop series explored the development of a map and reduce application in Ruby for the Hadoop framework.
