Markets in Financial Instruments Directive的意思|示意

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Markets in Financial Instruments Directive的网络常见释义

金融工具市场法规 欧盟MiFID法规带来金融监管环境新变化 欧盟金融工具市场法规(MiFID,Markets in Financial Instruments Directive)作为欧盟..

金融工具市场指令     今年早些时候,欧洲修订了金融工具市场指令(Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, MiFID),要求基金管理公司将研究成本从经纪服务中分离出来,以便让客户得到更核算的服务。

欧盟金融工具市场法规 欧盟MiFID法规带来金融监管环境新变化 欧盟金融工具市场法规(MiFID,Markets in Financial Instruments Directive)作为欧盟..

市场法规 ...重申,英国反对欧盟征收金融交易税,也将阻止欧盟提议欧盟金融工具市场法规(MiFID,Markets in Financial Instruments Directive),因该法规将对外企进入欧盟市场增加阻碍。

Markets in Financial Instruments Directive相关例句

These absorb 85% of the FSA's policy time, says Mr Sants, who sounds a cool note about the worth of the latest directive—on markets in financial instruments—for the City.
