Mayan civilization的意思|示意
Mayan civilization的网络常见释义
玛雅文化 ... Zapotec civilization萨波特克文明 Mayan civilization玛雅文化;玛雅文明;雅文明 material civilization物质文明 ...
玛雅文明 ...过作假得来的,由经验丰富的万世华主任、施强主任、倪华英主任等专家长期亲诊,此两人均描绘了奇特的玛雅文明(Mayan civilization),只有你网站的价值高于你的竞争对手你的网站才会排在竞争对手的前面,庄园现在由托尔斯泰的玄孙弗拉基米尔•托尔斯泰掌管,为什么不...
雅文明 ... Zapotec civilization萨波特克文明 Mayan civilization玛雅文化;玛雅文明;雅文明 material civilization物质文明 ...
憴 憴 玛雅文化 Mayan Civilization 印第安人的一支玛雅人创造的文化。繁荣期在4—10世纪。
Mayan civilization相关短语
1、 the Mayan civilization 玛雅文明 ; 玛雅之风
2、 The Ancient Mayan Civilization 古玛雅文明
3、 The Crux of Mayan Civilization 玛雅文化之谜
Mayan civilization相关例句
The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge.
The Classic Mayan civilization was unique and left us a way to incorporate higher dimensional knowledge of time and creation by leaving us the Tzolkin calendar.
Whether your definition of adventure is lying on the beach or exploring the wonderful ruins of the lost Maya civilization, the Mayan Riviera has you covered.
The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that God omnipresent.
The Mayan civilization, based in modern day Mexico and Central America, reached its height from 300 AD to 900 AD and had a talent for astronomy.
The Mayan sixth world is actually blank. This means it is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating the new world and civilization we want now.