Meditate On It的意思|示意

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Meditate On It的网络常见释义

沉思它 follow it. Meditate on it. Become it.

Meditate On It相关例句

Take a moment to meditate on the image and how it relates to your intentions and desire, let it swirl around in your head a little bit.


When you meditate on something, you're forced to look at it from many different angles, including some you've probably never thought of.


Resolve to meditate on the word of God and obey it. He will make you a blessing to others.


Word of the Day gives you 24 hours to meditate on a single word, reading it, hearing it, and seeing it used in real sentences.

而Word of the Day小工具给我们24小时去理解一个单词,在真实的句子里读,听和看。

Attitudes reflect our faith, and if we find ourselves constantly being late for Mass we should stop and meditate on the reasons behind it.


Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
