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中土大陆 ... s Middle-earth 中土世界语言研究 middle-earth 中土大陆 Middle-earth Defense 指环王 ...

中土世界 然而,今晚他们却忐忑不安,他们知道几天之后自己就要穿越中土世界(Middle-earth)的心脏,进行40公里的探险越野竞赛,这就够令人害怕的了。

暗影魔多 贱萌小鸡火爆朋友圈引玩家回忆 高度聚焦细分领域严格筛选精彩资讯 6:《中土世界:暗影魔多(Middle-earth:ShadowofMordor)》年度版(↑1) 在格斗的过程中,怎样才能将敌人的伤害降到最低呢?答案是用心观察!


1、 Guardians of Middle-earth 中土守护者 ; 中土守卫者

2、 Middle Earth 中土世界 ; 中土 ; 中土天下 ; 中土世纪

3、 The History of Middle-earth 中土世界的历史 ; 中土的历史 ; 中洲历史 ; 中土历史


But in down-to-earth William and nice, middle-class Kate, maybe the monarchy has chanced upon a marriage that can help it reinvent itself.


Located in the middle of the South Atlantic, 1, 200 miles from Angola and 1, 800 miles from Brazil, the island of St. Helena is among the most remote places on earth.


Mordor, thee e one place in Middle-earth we don't want to see any closer.


When we talk to our web developers and designers, we expect to communicate in plain language, not post-modern-neo-techno gobbledy-gook, or Klingon, or even Middle Earth elfin.


Astronomers calculate that the pulsar lies about 1, 600 light years from Earth and is about half a million years old, which makes it roughly middle-aged for this type of object.


The Middle Awash area of Ethiopia is the most persistently occupied place on Earth. Members of our lineage have lived, died, and been buried there for almost six million years.

埃塞俄比亚的中阿瓦什(Middle Awash)是地球上最早有人类活动的地区,我们祖先的一支曾在此生息繁衍,并深埋于此600万年之久。