
美 / / 英 / /


麻瓜出身 关于"纯种(pure-blood)", "混血(half-blood)"和"麻瓜出身(Muggle-born)"的差别取决于当事人看待这个问题的角度,其中还包含有个人的偏见.


1、 The Muggle-born Registration Commission 麻瓜的出生登记委员会 ; 麻瓜出身登记委员会

2、 The Muggle-Born Registartion Commission 麻瓜出生巫师登记委员会


It means "dirty blood. " Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who's Muggle-born.


'Normally,' said Snape 'But you're muggle-born, so someone from the school will have to come and explain to your parents.'


West ham is a region of eastern London which lends its name to the west ham united f. c. a muggle football club that is a favorite of dean Thomas who was muggle-born.


This is in no way an ideal solution, and it leaves several questions unanswered such as: what to do with the Muggle-born magicians if they do not learn to control their magic?


Ministry policies like banning Muggle-born children from attending Hogwarts might reduce the number of Muggle alleles in wizarding society and thus increase the survival chances of magic as a trait.


West ham is a region of eastern London which lends its name to the west ham united f. c. a muggle football club that is a favorite of dean Thomas who was muggle -born.
