氮磷钾复合肥(Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium)
花宝1号 信息 中文名称 : 花宝1号, 英文名称 : N-P-K(7-6-19) 保存条件:RT 花宝1号, N-P-K(7-6-19) 的其他产品如下: 山梨酸,2,4-己二烯酸,2-丙烯基丙烯酸,1,3-戊二烯-1-羧酸,花楸酸
复合水溶性肥料 农药肥料网 主管QQ 您当前位置: 首页> 我要采购>求购信息> 肥料> 氮肥 上海租车 >> 复合水溶性肥料(N-K,N-P-K) 注册时间: 2009-2-16 有 效 期: 2009-3-16 公司名称:
总养分 ... 总养分(N-P-K) 砷(As) 汞(Hg) ...
1、 n p k fertilizer 氮磷钾肥料
2、 n p k 氮磷钾
3、 N P K content 氮
Sewage Sludge on the Contents of Organic Matter, Total n, Total P, and Total K in Calcareous Immature Soil and Calcareous Mellow Soil.
A solution culture experiment was conducted to study the dynamics of dry matter accumulation and n, p, K absorption by flue-cured tobacco under different boron concentration.
Among the three fertilizer of n, p, K, the potash fertilizer is mainly depended on import in our country.
我国农业生产所需的N, p, K三大肥料中,钾肥最为紧缺,主要依靠进口。
Comparative analysis of the n, p, K in the leaves, roots and shoots of the pot-planted walnuts showed that.
The optimum combination program of N, P, and K in the basic fertilizer on the cold type turf was studied by using three factors saturated optimum design and gray game decision method.
The DM weight and the number of roots are increased by N. P. and K.