新德里金属蛋白酶 近来被世人广为关注的“超级细菌”[21] 被命名为新德里金属蛋白酶-1(NDM-1)是β-内酰胺酶中的金属酶系列中的一种,实际上是一种抗药基因,具有强大的抗药性,能水解绝大多数抗生素,包括四代头孢和碳青霉烯...
酶 最近,印度、巴基斯坦等南亚国家出现一种新型“超级细菌”新德里-金属β-内酰胺酶-1(NDM-1),对几乎所有的抗菌药物都有耐药性,全球已有170人被感染,其中在英国至少造成5人死亡,这种新型细菌变种基因有可能在全球蔓延。
内酰胺酶 ...任李六亿教授曾指出,这是一种在肠杆菌科细菌中新鉴定的碳青霉烯酶,全称为新德里1型金属β内酰胺酶(New Delhi-Metallo-1,NDM-1)。NDM-1对碳青霉烯类抗菌药物具有耐药性。
酰胺酶 正文: 新德里金属-β-内酰胺酶(New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase1,NDM-1)是由NDM-1基因表达,国际上于2009年首见报道。
1、 NDM-1 producing Enterobacteriaceae 产NDM
Experts say people with the NDM-1 form of bacteria in their body can remain healthy.
专家称,携带NDM - 1细菌的人能够保持健康。
Many of the UK NDM-1 positive patients had travelled to India or Pakistan within the past year, or had links with these countries.
They found the NDM-1 bacteria present in two of fifty drinking water samples.
他们在50份饮用水水样的2份中发现了NDM - 1细菌。
The researchers also reported finding NDM-1 in bacteria from medical patients.
研究人员还报告称,在患者身上发现了NDM - 1。
He and his colleagues have found NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase) 1 positive bacteria not only in India and Pakistan but also in the UK.
沃尔什与同事不仅在印度、巴基斯坦,也在英国发现了具有NDM-1(New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1)的细菌。
Then, last year, a whirlwind of controversy blew up in her country about the highly resistant “superbugs”, bacteria containing the so-called “NDM-1” enzyme.