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美国国家气象局 美国国家气象局(National Weather Service)指出,南加州地区干燥天气持续,但几周以来的强风已极大削弱,气象局同时表明,不利的气象条件将会在10日晚结束,然而威胁在几周...

国家气象局 ...航班受到影响,部分飞往加国;多间教堂因为下雪未能开门迎接信众,路上积雪达13毫米,美国家气象局(National Weather Service)指出,寒冷天气持续,今天天雨连连,势将令酷冷的冬天,更添寒意。

国家气象服务 该微件可以检索National Weather Service(国家气象服务),并显示某个指定地区的气象警报。同样可以通过对该天气微件标志的改变,使得它不显示气象数据,而用于演示基于天气数据的变化。

全美气象服务 全美气象服务(National Weather Service)称,全球最大的取暖油市场--美国东北部地区在经历寒流侵袭后,气温上升,预计1月凄婉高于正常水准。分析师称,该预报亦打压油价。

National Weather Service相关短语

1、 The National Weather Service 美国国家气象局 ; 气象服务中心

2、 US National Weather Service 美国国家气象局 ; 美国国家气象服务局

3、 NWS National Weather Service 国家气象局 ; 国家气象服务

National Weather Service相关例句

National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Tiger says only flurries are in today's forecast, but the twin cities will have colder than normal wind chills.


But meteorologist David Beachler from the National Weather Service says not to worry.


Rick Smith with the National Weather Service says the current situation is different.


Find a credible source you can trust such as your governor's office, local or state public health agencies or the National Weather Service.


Since the young chief never learned the ways of his ancestors, he tells them to collect firewood, then he goes off and calls the National Weather Service.


And according to data from the Met Office, Britain's national weather service, February 2010 was in fact the least windy month for seven and a half years.
