Natural gas exploration的意思|示意
Natural gas exploration的网络常见释义
天然气勘探 ...能源利用方式 Energy utilization patterns 气体液化 Gas liquefaction 照明 Lighting 天然气勘探 Natural gas exploration 核能利用 Nuclear energy uses 核电站 Nuclear power plants 近海石油钻探 Offshore oil drilling 石油勘探 Oil exploration 日照...
自然气勘探 ... 国家掩护区 National reserves 自然气勘探 Natural gas exploration 自然气开采 Natural gas extraction ...
Natural gas exploration相关短语
1、 Natural Gas Exploration and Development 天然气勘探与开发 ; 对吐哈油田温西三区块三间房组油藏井网加密调整的认识 ; 铁山 ; 四川盆地震旦系油气成藏特征与规律
2、 Petroleum and natural gas exploration 石油
3、 petroleum natural gas exploration 石油天然气勘探开发
Natural gas exploration相关例句
Well-testing exploration is the last step of discovering and verifying oil and gas in petroleum and natural gas exploration, following the seismic exploration, well locating, and logging-analysis.
On the basis of analyzing the natural gas resources and geological rules, a research evaluation was carried out for the exploration targets in the regions governed by the North China Petroleum Bureau.
The Suggestions on next gas-reservoir exploration are given so as to open up new exploration field and find new resource of natural gas reservoir.
At present, deep strata is the important field of natural gas exploration.
The crater resulted after a Soviet natural gas exploration accident in the 1950s and has been burning ever since.
South China sea is a marginal sea in western Pacific Ocean, and has very good accumulation conditions and exploration prospect for natural gas hydrate.