Nightmare House的意思|示意
Nightmare House的网络常见释义
恶梦之屋 ...恶梦之屋2(Nightmare House 2)是一款基于《半条命2第二章》引擎制作的恐怖类FPS游戏。此版本为完整硬盘版,发行时间是2012年,文件大小共1.6G。
噩梦之屋 噩梦之屋2中文版下载,《噩梦之屋2》(Nightmare House 2)是一款基于《半条命2第两章》引擎建制的恐怖类FPS游戏,噩梦之屋2别名噩梦之屋2游戏噩梦之屋2有尾创..
Nightmare House相关短语
1、 Nightmare House 2 恶梦之屋 ; 噩梦之屋
2、 Shanghai Nightmare American Haunted House 上海梦魇惊悚魔幻屋
Nightmare House相关例句
Yet if the old dining hall, with its horribly long echo, feels in any way sinister, the unrestored assembly hall is the stuff of a Hammer House of Horror nightmare.
Daniel Craig stars as a family man with a nightmare mortgage in "Dream House" (Sept. 30), the latest incarnation of the haunted habitation genre.
The mystics said that Lester had started the blaze himself with a bad dream, Lester's nightmare a spark, the house a tinderbox.
The assumed safe house turns into a nightmare... is Bela Kiss still alive?
She herself has faced harassment and house arrest, and that, To admits, triggers his own "nightmare": the "fear of being caught, beaten up, and put in jail.
她自己也面对过骚扰和软禁。 对于这一点,杜聪承认,引发过他自己的“恶梦”:“总担心被抓、被打以及被抓进监狱。”
Every year this highly-rated haunted house has an entirely new theme, which they call a "nightmare."