Non-OECD Countries的意思|示意
Non-OECD Countries的网络常见释义
非经合组织成员国 ... 高收入国家 High Income 非经合组织成员国 Non-OECD Countries 经合组织成员国 OECD Countries ...
Non-OECD Countries相关例句
Source: IEA, Energy Statistics and Balances of NON-OECD Countries.
By extension, it is unlikely that vast amounts of commercial inventory have been added in non-OECD countries.
Should demand recover in the OECD and the high growth seen in non-OECD countries also continue, OPEC's spare capacity will be used relatively quickly.
The per capita CO2 emissions from OECD countries were generally higher than the world average level, while those from most of non-OECD countries were lower than the world average level.
Today, 28 per cent of graduates in the UK are in non-graduate roles, a percentage which is double the average among the OECD countries.
Individual country readings fell across the board, including for non-OECD member countries, with most seeing their CLIs drop below their long-term average of 100.