Now at present的意思|示意

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Now at present的网络常见释义

此刻目前 缺料信息一目了然 » Lack of information at a glance 此刻目前 » Now at present 科比教会我不管做什么事都要尽自己最大的努力,并且不能放弃!

Now at present相关短语

1、 And now at present 而现在

2、 now at present today 现世

3、 at present now right now 目前

Now at present相关例句

Now what are the odds that no one present at that bench at that time has a birthday match?


It can be said that at present China has Basically solved its food problem, and is now enjoying a relative oversupply of grain.


The rest now has the confidence to present its own narrative, where it is at the center.


Humanity is now at the last crossroad of the present segment in its evolutionary journey.


Because the old know they are closer to death, she argues, they grow better at living for the present. They come to focus on things that matter now-such as feelings-and less on long-term goals.


Moreover it can tell you whether life was present at some point-and even whether it is present now.
