管理模型 为此,卓望科技提出了移动通信运营商开放式价值链移动数据业务的管理模型(OPEN-VCS)的管理理念,该理念的核心思想是移动通信运营商在整个业务价值链中必须牢牢抓住客户、通道资源和收费渠道,同时将移动Internet信...
Additionally, you can open source code files in RubyMine right from TeamCIty web UI while browsing test results or VCS history.
另外,在浏览测试结果或者VCS历史的时候,你还可以在RubyMine里面从TeamCity的web UI中打开源码文件。
For anyone unfamiliar with free and open source version control systems (VCSs), Subversion has become the standard non-commercial VCS, replacing the old champ, Concurrent Versions system (CVS).
对于任何不熟悉免费的开源版本控制系统(VCS)的人来说,Subversion开始成为一种标准的非商业性质的VCS,取代了旧的并发版本系统(Concurrent Versions System, CVS)。
"Everybody looks for funding in the same old places, with the same old VCs," Adam shakes his head. "Open your mind and look elsewhere."