常用 ... 常用OS-MS Windows 常用OS-UNIX 常用OS-Linux ...
1、 UNIX OS UNIX 操作系统
2、 unix os unix操作系统
3、 Linux BSD UNIX Mac OS 操作系统
If you're on Windows, enter the command run; on Linux, Unix, or Mac OS X, enter sh run.sh (or whatever variant you want to use to run shell scripts).
如果在 Windows 系统上,请输入命令 run;在 Linux、Unix 或 Mac OS X 上,请输入 sh run.sh(或者用来运行 shell 脚本的其他变体)。
Many modem OSs, particularly Unix, use such OS OSs, structure.
Similar to DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, in DB2 UDB for z/OS you can store and retrieve Unicode data if you have used the CCSID UNICODE clause on the object definitions, such as the following
与 DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Windows 相似,在 DB2 UDB for z/OS 中,如果您在对象定义上使用了 CCSID UNICODE 子句,就可以存储并检索 Unicode 数据,例如
This article describes differences between implementation of DB2 stored procedures written in SQL Procedural Language between distributed platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows) and z/OS.
本文描述了在分布式平台(Linux、UNIX、Windows 等)和 z/OS 上使用 SQL 过程语言实现 DB2 存储过程的区别。
He chose a version of Unix instead (and added an "x" to Mac OS) and all Macs since have relied on it.
作为替代,他选择了Unix的一个版本(在Mac OS后添加了一个“x”),从那时开始,所有的苹果电脑都基于这个系统。
It has interfaces to your favorite scripting language; it runs on UNIX, Windows, and Mac OS X; and it is an open-source project, so any improvements you make could benefit the entire community.
它具有到您最喜爱的脚本编制语言的接口;它运行在UNIX、Windows和Mac OS x上;而且它是一个开放源码项目,所以您所做的任何改进会使整个社区受益。