Odd Couple The的意思|示意
Odd Couple The的网络常见释义
单身公寓 ... Singin' in The Rain 万花嬉春;雨中曲 Odd Couple The 单身公寓 General The 将军 ...
Odd Couple The相关短语
1、 The Odd Couple 单身公寓 ; 天生冤家 ; 搏命单刀夺命枪 ; 古怪的一对
2、 The Odd Couple II 天生冤家
Odd Couple The相关例句
Whenever we were out together and there would be a picture taken, there would be caption of some kind, and the caption usually said something like, 'an odd couple' or 'an unlikely pair.'
An odd couple, the father of the weird sisters.
The odd couple tickets-high comedy on stage-the odd couple tickets are once again available and this classic story has been packing theaters and movie screenings for more than 40 years.
THE bride and groom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, make an odd couple—so it is hardly surprising that nobody expected their marriage.
交易争霸 有史以来最大的视频游戏公司交易表明了游戏产业正在发生的变化 新娘和新郎——泼辣的女摇滚吉他手和肌肉强健的屠龙者——组成了一对怪异的夫妻,无怪乎根本没人预料到这桩婚事。
I've been living with my Uzbek host family and various relatives for five years now, and no longer find it odd to head off to the bazaar with a couple of nephews in tow to help carry bags.
We were in my view the odd couple.