粘贴样式 ... 粘贴 Command-V 拷贝样式 Option-Command-C 粘贴样式 Option-Command-V ...
For example, the statistics in Listing 10 show the detailed NFS v3 statistics for the server side of the NFS service, selected by using the -s command-line option and -v to specify the NFS version.
例如,通过使用 -s 命令行选项并用 -v 选项指定 NFS 版本,可以生成关于 NFS 服务的服务器端的 NFS v3 统计数据(见清单 10)。
The -v option specified with the vmstat command displays the percentage of real memory being used for different classification of pages (see Listing 1).
使用带- v选项的vmstat命令可以显示不同分页类型所使用的实际内存百分比(请参见清单1)。
The fuser command provides a -v option that adds some output that is similar to the output of the standard ps command to the output of the fuser command, as shown in Listing 7.
fuser命令提供一个- v选项,它在fuser命令的输出中增加一些与标准ps命令相似的输出,见清单7。
Whichever solution you use, you should get a report as each file is copied into, or out of, the archive, providing you use the v command-line option (see Listing 8).
无论使用哪一种解决方案,您将在每个文件复制到/复制出存档文件时获得相应的报告,假设您使用了 v 命令行选项(请参见 清单 8)。
The py.test and nosetests tools even have a few command-line options that they share in common, like the -v option that makes them print the name of each test as it is executed.
test和nosetests工具甚至有几个相同的命令行选项,比如- v选项在执行测试时输出测试的名称。
When you specify the -V option on the command line, the compiler appends Turbo Debugger 5.0-compatible external debug information at the end of the executable file.
当你在命令行中使用-V选项时,编译器会在可执行文件的末尾附加与Turbo Debugger5.0一致的外部调试信息。