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光子墨水 他同时还是多伦多这家将这一名为光子墨水(P-Ink)的光子晶体技术商用化的Opalux公司的创始人之一。光子墨水的技术原理是,通过控制光子晶体的间距,从而影响这些晶体所反射出的光...

如光子晶体 固然其他潜在的技术也在开荒进步前辈的黑色电子纸,如光子晶体(P-ink),但许多分解家以为,听说掀起。ChLCD技术可以成为占主导职位的电子纸技术的下一个十年。


1、 p ink p15基因

2、 P inK l ps 流行朋克

3、 p ink a protein p16ink4a蛋白


In P-Ink, the elements of the crystals are tiny beads of silica, 200 nanometres in diameter.

在P - Ink里,晶体的成分是直径为200纳米的微型硅珠。

A pixel is built by sandwiching a layer of P-Ink, along with a small amount of electrolytic fluid, between two transparent electrodes.

如果将P - Ink的一个层面与小数量的电解流体相结合,那么两个透明的电极之间就形成一个像素。

One thing that may hold P-Ink back, however, is what is known as the refresh rate. This is the speed at which a pixel can change colour.

然而,可能有个问题会让P - Ink踌躇不前,那就是人们所熟知的刷新率——一个像素改变色调的速度。

Attention to manufacturing materials is a priority, Mr. Tiernan says. Early this year, H-P introduced its Deskjet D2545, an ink-jet printer that is made of 83% recycled plastics.

泰南说,制造材料是公司优先考虑的问题,今年早些时候,惠普推出了Deskjet D2545型喷墨打印机,其中83%的材料是回收塑料。

Their changes in form were typically damages of ink-spot diffusion and non-typical seepage, which were distinguished from those who were under 45 years old(P< 0.01).
