Pacific Ring of Fire的意思|示意
Pacific Ring of Fire的网络常见释义
环太平洋火山带 据英国《卫报》报道,位于环太平洋火山带( Pacific Ring of Fire)的菲律宾群岛早已习惯了自然灾害的袭击。然而,菲律宾人(也称作Pinoys)是一个顽强的民族。
太平洋火环带 位处太平洋火环带(Pacific Ring of Fire),我们对地震经验习以为常,习惯到区区晃几下已不足为奇,甚至当下还能坐在电脑前、手持智慧型手机po文,立刻从灾难的非常态情境...
太平洋火环 作为太平洋火环(Pacific Ring of Fire)的西北部分,堪察加半导由300座火山组成,其中29座是活火山。
环太平洋带 ... 浮游带,远洋带 pelagic zone 环太平洋带 cir***-pacific belt; circum-pacificbelt; pacific ring of fire 中大西洋带 mid-atlantic belt ...
Pacific Ring of Fire相关例句
All places at the Pacific trench, (the Pacific ring of fire) should be evacuated now, because there will be earthquakes and volcanic explosions.
Positioned as it is at the southern end of the Pacific "ring of fire", and at the convergence of the Indo-Australian and Pacific plates, New Zealand is a pretty seismic place.
In addition, both regions reside within the Ring of Fire, which is a zone surrounding the Pacific Ocean where the Pacific tectonic plate and other plates dive beneath other slabs of Earth.
For example, the area called the Pacific Ring of Fire has the most earthquakes.
And for the northern Pacific, which is likewise compressing, land on all sides of the Ring of Fire will be affected.
Compression of the Pacific caused plates to be pushed under others which caused violent Earthquakes and rapid mountain building particularly along regions of the Ring of Fire.