Pale Blue Dot的意思|示意

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Pale Blue Dot的网络常见释义

暗淡蓝点 在一个大参照系中,我们只有将自己放低,看小(想一想地球也只是一个小小的“暗淡蓝点” (Pale Blue Dot)),才能以更谦虚的态度去面对周围的人或事,才能更快的吸收精髓,快速成长,从而跟上团队的步伐。

黯淡的蓝点 《黯淡的蓝点》(pale blue dot), 想想这个小点上,一个角落的居民对另一个角落的居民,往往会表现出无限的残忍,无所不在的误解,互相残杀的热切,以及难以化解...

黯淡蓝点 卡尔萨根的《黯淡蓝点》(Pale Blue Dot),你知道有大风雪投出去这么长时光了。基本不能畸形咬合不准读书,"(王玲:《中国茶文化》87页,生活起来不能太容易"呼嘘毒疠

只有一个地球 只有一个地球 (Pale Blue Dot) 只有一个地球 (Pale Blue Dot) 奕想天开 奕想天开

Pale Blue Dot相关短语

1、 The Pale Blue Dot 暗淡蓝点 ; 黯淡蓝点

Pale Blue Dot相关例句

The picture is frequently referred to as the "pale blue dot", and provided both the frontispiece and the title for one of Sagan's most celebrated books, published in 1994.

这幅图片常常以“苍蓝之点”为名被引用,它不仅说明了图中的主角,也是 Sagan 最知名的发表于 1994 年的著作的书名。

One of Carl Sagan's last books is called “The Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human in Space.” Mister Sagan said he got the idea for the book from a picture taken by the Voyager One space vehicle.

卡尔.萨根最后一批著作中有一本叫《The Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human in Space》(《暗淡蓝点:展望人类的太空家园》),萨根说,他是从航行者一号探测器传回的一张照片中产生了创作这部著作的想法的。

As it passed the planet Neptune, Voyager turned its cameras back toward the distant Earth and took a picture of the Earth as a pale blue dot.


To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.


To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we ve ever known.


Though no longer with us on this Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan's legacy will forever live on in the hearts and minds of those who love and cherish knowledge.
