Payment and Clearing System的意思|示意

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Payment and Clearing System的网络常见释义

支付清算体系 ... 提供商品、劳务和资产交易的清算支付手段 清算支付手段 一 提供商品、劳务和资产交易的清算支付 支付清算体系(payment and clearing system) ,是一个国家或地区对交易者 之间的债权债务关系进行清偿的系统。

支付清算系统 ...而所有的交易,除了物物交换,最终都体现在银行账户间的资金划拨上,因此一个国家的支付清算系统(Payment and Clearing System)是最基础的工程。这个系统涉及两个问题: 信息流如何传递——即建行和工行之间以什么方式通信?

Payment and Clearing System相关例句

When crisis began, the frangibility of bank endangered the normal operation of the payment and clearing system, which resulted in credit and confidence collapse.


The local clearing system then sorts out the instruction and sends them to each beneficiary bank in batch files containing all the individual payment instructions.
