Peanut butter cake的意思|示意

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Peanut butter cake的网络常见释义

花生蛋糕 ... 兰梅米饭布丁 Blueberry rice pudding 花生蛋糕 Peanut butter cake 拿破仑蛋糕 Napoleon Stick ...

Peanut butter cake相关短语

1、 Peanut Paste Butter Cake 花生酱牛油蛋糕

2、 Flourless Peanut Butter Mug Cake 面粉的花生酱蛋糕 ; 免使用面粉的花生酱蛋糕

3、 Peanut Butter Chiffon Cake 花生酱戚风蛋糕

Peanut butter cake相关例句

Chanel loved the party, especially the cake, which had a peanut butter flavor and had been made for dogs, Denice Shaughnessy said.


At thirty-six weeks I bought Linda achocolate-and-peanut-butter cake and graffitied her stomach in exactly the sameway I had forbidden my mother from doing to my cast years earlier.

在三十六周时我给 Linda 买了一个巧克力花生黄油蛋糕来缓和她的胃,而几年前我妈想要采用相同的方式却被我拒绝了。