Port of Busan的意思|示意
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釜山港 港口报告─釜山港 (Port of Busan) @ 航运总论 航商港口报告 :: … 已经被分享了82次 有关釜山 釜山(Busan)是位于韩国南端的港口城市,拥有四百万人口,随著西元18...
韩国釜山港 ... 韩国釜山综合球场 Asiad Main Stadium 韩国釜山歌剧院 BUSAN OPERA 韩国釜山港 PORT OF BUSAN ...
Port of Busan相关例句
The temperature in the southeastern port of Busan sank to minus 12.8 degrees Sunday, the lowest level in 96 years, causing the death of a homeless man.
韩国东南部港口城市釜山周日的最低气温降到了零下12.8摄氏度,是96年来的最低温。 一名流浪汉被活活冻死。
Should the project get the nod from the politicos, work will begin on joining the southwestern Japanese city of Karatsu with the south Korean port of Busan with a 79-mile (128-km) train tunnel.
In April, the southeastern port city of Busan, south Korea's second-largest city, began testing a small device called a beacon.
The Gori-1 reactor, near the port city of Busan, was off line for two months after a fire in April destroyed one of the circuit breakers.