一键通 苹果ios 9, siri 支持"一键通(push-to-talk)"功能 ios9的 siri 君能够识别更加自然的语句 苹果iphone 6s / 6s plus 怎么 激活"嘿 siri " ios 10(左)是 widget, ios 和应用程...
按压通话 ... PTR Push-to-Reset 按压复位 PTT Push-to-Talk; Press-To-Test 按压通话;按压测试 PTT Part Task Trainer 局部任务训练器 ...
即按即说 还有Push-to-talk(即按即说),我们也是必须设计接口来加速信号传递,这样时间延迟才会缩短。
按键通话 Telesym公司的产品经理Pat Boyle称,他们在笔记本或Pocket PC一侧增加了按键通话(push-to-talk)功能的按钮,这个侧钮是微软参考设计的一部分,公司可把它用于内部通话。
1、 Push to Talk 一键通 ; 即按即说 ; 按键通话 ; 功能
2、 Push to Talk over Cellular 无线一键通 ; 一键通 ; 键通话 ; 单键通话
3、 push-to-talk operation 按键通话操作 ; 按键即通操作
With the approaching of 3g networking, a kind of business of broadband based on mobile communication network POC (Push to Talk over Cellular) has appeared.
POC业务是伴随着3 G网络建设的日益临近而随之产生的一种基于无线蜂窝移动通信网的宽带业务。
Motorola plans to keep its iDen technology, which provides the push-to-talk function used by Sprint’s Nextel products.
摩托罗拉计划留下它的集成数字增强型网络(iDen)技术,这提供了斯普林特奈斯泰尔公司(Sprint‘s Nextel)产品使用的一键通功能。
Will you come to talk to me this night, but she couldn t find how to push through.
All of those questions I hope you'll talk about in your discussion groups later this week, and if you're writing papers, push yourself to answer some big questions in your papers.
He used to push his cap to the back of his head and talk with father Bear about fishing and hunting, as if he were old enough to be the grandfather of the whole family.
'It makes no sense to talk about savings measures at a time when you are having to push through stimulus measures,' he told the paper.