Q quality factor的意思|示意
Q quality factor的网络常见释义
品质因数 Q quality factor 品质因数,Q值,频带宽度 QD quadrant 象限 QD quick disconnect 迅速断开 Quack 喧闹声 QUAD quadriphonic 四声道立体声 Quadrature 正交,...
品质因素 ... quintuple lader truck [消]五件套云梯(消防)车〈其消防装备有水箱、水带、泵浦、拉梯和机械云梯五种组成 Q quality factor 品质因素,质量因素 rack-jack 齿条式千斤顶 ...
Q值 ... Q quality factor 品质因数,Q值,频带宽度 QD quadrant 象限 QD quick disconnect 迅速断开 ...
Q quality factor相关短语
1、 Quality Factor Q-Factor 品质因数 ; 品格因数
2、 HI-Q High Quality Factor 高品质因数 ; 高品格因数
3、 quality factor q 品质因数q ; 品质因子q ; 因数
Q quality factor相关例句
The ultrasonic attenuation character in the rock is usually expressed by rock absorbability quality factor (q).
The enhancement of the magnetic ferrite thin-film on the inductance (L) and quality factor (Q) of the inductor is analyzed.
In ICRP 1990 Recommendations, a new weighting factor——radiation weighting factorW_R was introduced to replace the quality factor Q for modifying the absorbed dose averaged over atissue or organ.
The quality factor Q of the acoustic wave attenuation is a comprehensive parameter reflecting the integrality degree of rock mass.
Each MAX262 device consists of two second-order filters, under program control to set the center frequency f0, the quality factor q, and filter work.
每个MAX262器件含有两个二阶滤波器,在程序控制下设置中心频率f 0、品质因数Q和滤波器工作方式。
The Highpass resonance Q (known as Highpass resonance Quality Factor) determines how much the filter's self-resonance is dampened.