Qi deficiency syndrome的意思|示意

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Qi deficiency syndrome的网络常见释义

气虚证 慢性疲劳综合征中医证候主成分的相关分析 - 淘金者论文 关键词】 慢性疲劳综合征;气虚证;血虚证 [gap=974]Key words:chronic fatigue syndrome;Qi deficiency syndrome;blood deficiency syndrome

和气虚证 ...差异表达的基因分析_代写医学论文网 athogenic factortoxin predominance syndrome,PTPS)和气虚证(qi deficiency syndrome,QDS)、中期阳气虚证(yangqi deficiency syndrome,YQDS)和中晚期气阴阳虚证..

Qi deficiency syndrome相关短语

1、 pulmonary qi deficiency syndrome 肺气虚证

2、 lung qi deficiency syndrome 肺气虚证

3、 heart-Qi deficiency syndrome 心气虚证

Qi deficiency syndrome相关例句

The syndrome and treatment of deficiency of the liver-Qi were discussed from the theoretical origins, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and clinical cases.


To investigate the therapeutic effect of Ginseng injection(GI) for deficiency of heart-qi syndrome of angina and its mechanism of actions.


The senile diabetics have more risks in developing into pathogenesis character of deficiency of qi and blood stasis. In Clinic, it could be found by macroscopic syndrome and microcosmic examination.


Tumor necrosis factor was the deficiency of Qi and Yin Syndrome and risk factors.


Lung Qi Deficiency Syndrome of chronic bronchitis is the mixing signs of the functional disorders of nerve-endocrine-immune system.


Conclusion: Naoxintong capsule stroke recovery, with Qi-deficiency and blood-stasis syndrome (cerebral infarction) has a therapeutic effect, and more secure.
