查询的例子 ...-知来数据 Keywords: CBIR, Query-by-example, machine learning, linear combination. 1 [gap=245]关键词:CBIR,查询的例子,机器学习,线性组合。
1、 query by example 按例子查询 ; 示例查询 ; 查询 ; 实例查询
2、 RQBE Relational Query By Example 查询与实例相关的问题 ; 实例关系查询
3、 relation query by example 按例关系查询
For example, you can minimize the rows read by having predicates in the query that can determine the needed rows from just the index alone.
For example, you can get a count out of the database for the number of respondents who have stated that their favorite color (question 2) is red by using the following query shown in Listing 10.
If you have a long-running database query for example that's triggered by a button press, you can simply increase the time paused after the button event has been issued.
However, every time the user asked for a system refresh by sorting her tasks by due date, for example, the portal application had to issue a new query to WPS to repopulate the task list.
不过,每次用户要求系统刷新(例如,按照结束日期对任务进行排序)时,门户应用程序必须向 WPS 发送新查询,以重新填充任务列表。
Start by generating the query using the first aggregation function (SUM in the example) in the measure's list of aggregations to aggregate the template expression.
Our next example, shown in Figure 2, is a query with an ORDER BY clause using the code below.
我们的下一个例子,如图2所示,是一个含有ORDER BY子句的查询,它使用了下面的代码。