可重复读 ... serializable(可串行化) 1.REPEATABLE-READ(可重复读) 2.READ-COMMITTED(读取提交内容) ...
1、 Repeatable Read 可重复读 ; 可重复读取 ; 重复读 ; 可重读
2、 Non-repeatable Read 不可重复读 ; 不可重复的读 ; 非重复读 ; 重复读
3、 RR-Repeatable Read 可重复读
With the "Repeatable Read" data region fetch requests issued multiple times within the same transaction will always produce the same result yielding better application throughput.
These next key locks are only obtained when the key INSERT finds that a scanner with a Repeatable Read (RR) isolation level has a row lock on the next-higher key in the index.
这些next key锁只有在key INSERT发现带有Repeatable Read (RR)隔离级别的扫描器在索引中的next - higher键上有一个行锁时才能获得。
Repeatable read — the transaction always reads the same data during the transaction.
Repeatable read(可重读)——在事务过程中,事务始终读取相同的数据。
However, for entity beans this rule has to be relaxed; due to the nature of the model, most pessimistic locking access intents require at least Repeatable Read.
但是,对于实体Bean则可不遵循此规则,由于该模型本身的特性,多数悲观锁定访问都需要至少Repeatable Read。
Supports table and row level locking and 4 isolation levels, RR (repeatable read), rs (read stability), CS (default - cursor stability) and ur (uncommitted read).
Read committed, Read uncommitted, Repeatable Read, Serializable.