read while write的意思|示意
read while write相关短语
1、 Read-While-Write 在写的同时可以读,写的同时可以读,同时可以读,翻译
2、 RWW Read While Write 边读边写功能
3、 no read-while-write 非同时读写区
4、 write-while-read 边写边读
5、 write while read 边写边读
6、 While being read to write 边读边写
read while write相关例句
Members of the development group can read or write Ian's helloworld.C file, while everyone else can only read it.
development组的成员能够读或者写ian的helloworld . C文件,而其他人只能读。
It allows applications to perform constant data load operations to a table in the background while the interactive read and write operations can occur concurrently.
Technology will make it possible for a person to speak, read and write in his own language while the listener will hear and the reader will read the message in his own language.