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引用标识项 引用标识项(Reference-id)(可选)(如果适用) Z连结的成功与否,主要的控制权在Z服务器端。


1、 Reference ID 参考编号

2、 spatial reference ID 是空间参考系 ; 空间参考系

3、 transaction reference id 办理参考号码


If this conversion succeeds then other data like the interface ID, object UUID and annotation are retrieved from the inquiry context's reference.


Record Volume Group ID V77 in this example for future reference.

记录这个示例中的卷组 ID V77,以备将来进行引用。

The declaration begins with the global reference to the Flex application, then a method call that always begins with the string get followed by the ID of the target object.

该声明首先是 Flex 应用程序的全局引用,然后是始终以字符串 get 为开头、后接目标对象 ID 的方法调用。

Select each role for the correlation id of 1, and fill in the information using the table above as a reference.

为关联id 1选择每个角色,并使用上表作为参考填入信息。

A portlet must define a unique id that each concrete portlet can reference.


If my login ID was giliod in the source and is dg1111 in the destination, reference fields like owner and submitter become meaningless.
